Here are the rules:
List 7 things you love and then pass the award on to 7 people..tagging them and letting them know they won!
You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard letting the whole wide world know you are KReATIV!
So here are 7 things I love:
I love riding in a train.
I love books that are totally devoted to single themes such as ribbon, English roses, or cookies and that are filled with wonderful photographs.
I love pale pink tulips in the springtime.
I love hot chocolate with loads of marshmallows on winter's first snowy day.
I love Saturday evening dinner with my husband.
I love going to the beach, when there is no one else around.
I love my digital camera and easily get lost in taking photo after photo of the most random ite.
I am awarding the KREATIV award to:
fiveforty at home
Paper Cakes Finds
cream puffs in venice
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